Oklahoma Tire Tank Dealers
For Dealer Inquiry -
Lane Thompson at 806-662-5937

Gary Caswell
320 N Main St.
Hollis, OK 73550
Office - 580-686-3674
Office - 580-471-9364
Kirk Moore
Rte 2 Box 48
Hobart, OK 73651

Monte Tucker
RR 1 Box 140
Sweetwater, OK 73666
Office - 580-515-4477

Hunter Livestock
David Hunter
510 E Oklahoma Ave
Woodward, OK 73802
Office - 580-256-8997
Home - 580-256-3896

We are looking for motivated dealers. Our typical dealers are independent Ag Supply Stores, Feed Stores, Livestock Auctions and even individual ranchers and farmers. Call 806-662-5937 for more information.