Float Valves

Watson floats and valves are simply the best we've found. They are very heavy duty, made of galvanized steel and aluminum or stainless steel. They also operate with a simple mechanism and are easily maintained and repairable.

Online ordering will be available soon.  In the meantime, answer the questions below, then call us to place your order. We'll be happy to answer any questions.

  1. What is your inlet diameter?              3/4"         1"            1 1/4"            1 1/2"

  2. What size float do you want?            6" works up to 90 psi        8" works over 90 psi

  3. What type arm to you want?             Bent arm (for tire tanks & risers)        Straight arm

  4. Where are you mounting the valve?    Bottom        Side        Top

  5. What type chain do you want?          Zinc-coated        Stainless Steel

  6. Do you need a high-volume valve?      Yes                No

Now call us at 800-365-5850 and we'll get your order on the way!